Welcome to Valja's astrology page !

This page was opened on May 21th 1996, moved to the new place on November 13th 2001.

This page is oriented to changed version of very popular freeware astrology program Astrolog by Walter D. Pullen (Astara@msn.com), but you can find here something else. Last changed version is 5.41G (at May. 18th 2002), in March 2025 added 32 bit version.

Table of Contents

Program Astrolog
What is Astrolog ?
Download original Astrolog
What's new in last changed version(s) ?
Overview of changes
Chronological list of changes
Download changed Astrolog
Known bugs in Astrolog 5.41G

Astrology related questions
Astrology text files
Houses in Polar Zone
Karting and astrology
Some astrolog(y) related links
Shortly about me

  • What is Astrolog ?

    Description of Astrolog (last version is 5.40) you will find in Astrolog Homepage, created by Walter D. Pullen, where you can see different outputs of Astrolog and much more. Excellent description of Astrolog (also in HTML format) you can find in Tobias Ferber's Astrolog Page. Here you can see complete feature list of original Astrolog 5.40.

    Alois Treindl modified Astrolog 5.30 and 5.40 and named new versions 5.31 and 5.41. They contains the new Swiss Ephemeris, more precise and quick than older Placalc ephemeris. The responsibility for this modification is with Alois Treindl.

    Original Astrolog 5.31 and 5.41 with all related files are available at ftp://ftp.astro.com/pub/astrolog/

    You can download here original Astrolog 5.30, 5.31, 5.40 and 5.41 files. If you need additional ephemeris files, look to original sites.

    Christope Gros created Kastrolog, a port to KDE with other customizations. Downlaods on Kastrolog home page.

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  • What's new in last changed version(s) ?

    Astrolog sources are accessible to all users, and it allows me to add some features, which seems useful. Here is full list of changes, I have made, where you can also compare some outputs of original and changed Astrolog. Below changes in last versions.

    In March 2025 added 32 bit version of Astrolog 5.41G

    Huge thanx to Walter D.Pullen, who helped me with conversin from 16 bit to the 32 bit.

    Last version Astrolog 5.41G

    Astrolog 5.41F

    Astrolog 5.41E

    Astrolog 5.41D

    Astrolog 5.41C

    All changes in last version are connected with fixed stars. Main change - also fixed stars are now calculated by Swiss Ephemeris routines.

    Astrolog 5.41B

    Astrolog 5.41a

    Astrolog 5.40 and then 5.41 with Swiss Ephemeris was released.

    Astrolog 5.31g

    Alois Treindl modified Astrolog 5.30 and named new version 5.31. It contains the new Swiss Ephemeris, more precise and quick than older Placalc ephemeris. The responsibility for this modification is with Alois Treindl. Look above for details.

    The use of that source code is subject to the Swiss Ephemeris Public License, available at http://www.astro.ch/swisseph/

    Note, that this version of Astrolog is not developed anymore. If you have questions about Astrolog, ask in Yahoo group Astrolog_List.

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