Welcome to Valja's astrology page !
This page was opened on May 21th 1996, moved
to the new place on November 13th 2001.
This page is oriented to changed version of very popular freeware
astrology program Astrolog by Walter D. Pullen (Astara@msn.com),
but you can find here something else. Last changed version is
5.41G (at May. 18th 2002), in March 2025 added 32 bit version.
Table of Contents
Program Astrolog
What is Astrolog ?
Download original Astrolog
What's new in last changed version(s) ?
Overview of changes
Chronological list of changes
Download changed Astrolog
Known bugs in Astrolog 5.41G
Astrology related questions
Astrology text files
Houses in Polar Zone
Karting and astrology
Some astrolog(y) related links
Shortly about me
Description of Astrolog (last version is 5.40) you will find in
Astrolog Homepage,
created by Walter D. Pullen, where you can see different outputs of
Astrolog and much more. Excellent description of Astrolog (also in HTML format)
you can find in
Tobias Ferber's Astrolog Page.
Here you can see complete feature list of
original Astrolog 5.40.
Alois Treindl modified Astrolog 5.30 and 5.40 and named new
versions 5.31 and 5.41. They contains the new
Swiss Ephemeris, more precise and quick than older Placalc ephemeris.
The responsibility for this modification is with Alois Treindl.
Original Astrolog 5.31 and 5.41 with all related files are available at
You can download here
original Astrolog 5.30, 5.31, 5.40 and 5.41
files. If you need additional ephemeris files, look to original sites.
Christope Gros created Kastrolog, a port to KDE with other
customizations. Downlaods on
Kastrolog home page.
Top of Page
Astrolog sources are accessible to all users, and it allows me to add some
features, which seems useful. Here is
full list of changes, I have made,
where you can also compare some outputs of original and changed Astrolog. Below
changes in last versions.
In March 2025 added 32 bit version of Astrolog 5.41G
Huge thanx to Walter D.Pullen, who helped me with conversin from 16 bit to the 32 bit.
Last version Astrolog 5.41G
Fixed original Astrolog bug, where Local Horizon data (and also
Prime Vertical) were off by up to several arc-minutes.
Fixed original Astrolog bug (Windows version), where "Time / Space
Midpoint" chart is correct, but it was not possible to return back to
"No relationship chart" - there was still previous "midpoint" chart.
In "Rising and Setting" chart fixed bug, where "Print Nearest Second"
worked unproperly - seconds weren't shown for risings and settings.
In this context more correct termin instead of "zenith" and "nadir" is
astronomical termin "culmination" that means transit over meridian.
There are two culminations: "upper culmination" when planet has
highest position and "lower culmination" when planet has lowest
position. So in the chart termins "zeniths" and "nadirs" are replaced
by "culm.(up)" and "culm.(lo)" respectively.
Incorrect object name "Nadir" has been replaced by corret "IC". Nadir
has different meaning than IC, Nadir is the point on the sky opposite to
Slightly improved Astrolog's behaviour in case of progressed and
relationship charts. Earlyer Windows versions allowed to do progression and
then do some relationship chart like Natal-Progressed. Or vice versa,
when looking say Natal-Progressed chart switch also Progression "on".
That all confused Astrolog and results were often unpredictable.
Now any use of relationship charts (in menu "Info") switches off "Do
Progression" (in "Chart" => "Progressions"). And vice versa, switching
progression on (in "Chart" => "Progression") switches off any comparison.
As result Astrolog is displaying just what it has to dasplay, no
- Fixed orignal astrolog bug (appeared only in Windows version).
When natal chart was opened from file with saved planets positions
(not birth data), there only first output was correct, all next
charts (as aspect list, transit searches, all comparison charts etc)
had wrong planets positions.
NB! Use such input files carefully! They are treated by astrolog as
files "with no time and space", so a lot of chart types can't be used
with them. An examples are all progression charts, because they needs
birth-chart time to calculate progressions.
Fixed bug of changed versions, where in case of use of data with saved
planet positions (just as above), data-border of graphics charts
dilsplayed info "no time or space" twice.
Time and location have new format - with seconds, both
for chart's data inputs and outputs. Only outputs with old data format are
events searching outputs, because with reasonably low division value they
anyway can be off by a few minutes, so seconds seems unnecessary there.
"Rising and setting" chart is only exception among searching charts
that shows time with seconds. Even with default setting d: 48 times
are off by only a few seconds, and it is quick enough to show precise
(by seconds) times with d: 96 in reasonably short time. Note, that values of
azimuth angles in rising/setting moment are extremely sensitive of time
changes (very small change of time causes big change in azimuth) and can
be off by a few seconds. To improve azimuth precision one has to
increase division value up to hundreds.
All input files with old time/location format can be used, but all outputs
are saved only in new time/location format.
Calculations precision improved - time-dependent obliquity of ecliptic
is used instead of fixed value.
Added new switsh to change local horizon text output from default ENWS
to NESW. One has just to add line
to astrolog.dat file and it will be deafult setting.
Slightly changed Prime Vertical text chart output: Altitude and
Azimuth in header have been replaced by Amplitude and Prm-Vrt.
One can see this chart by choosing "Local Horizon" and setting "Horizon
Chart with Polar Center / Prime Vert. (text)" in "Chart settings".
Note, that this switch has different meanings for text and graphics
charts: in text mode it switches between Local Horizon <=> Prime
Vertical outputs, in graphics it switches between "normal wiew" and
"view vith Polar Center". However, one can switch also between Polar
Center and Pime Vert. also in graphics by hitting 'i' on the keyboard
(switch to bonus mode).
Changed calculations of Solar Arc. Original Astrolog calculates
there actually directions, where all planets and house cusps
positions are moved forward to an amount equal in degrees to the number
of years that have passed between the specified date and the chart
in question. Because real (even mean or average) motion of Sun isn't
1 degree per day, resulting Solar Arc Sun position doesn't match with
secondary progressed Sun position (but they must match).
To correct this situation, there has been added another calculation of
Solar Arc - first secondary progressed Sun's position is determined and
then all chart components are moved accordlingly.
To avoid misunderstanding, existing Solar Acr calculations remains, but
have now corrected name "Degree Per Day/Month", as earlyer one can change
amount of degrees per year (more strictly, amount of days for 1 degree
direction. See description of -p0 and -pd switches in helpfile.540).
Added calculation is named "Solar Arc Directions" and there Sun's position
follows secondary progressed Sun positions, all other point in chart are
moved accordlingly.
Existing switches -p0, -p0n remain as previously. For new correct "Solar Arc
Directions" calculations new switches -p1 and -p1n are used. In Windows
version all can be done through menus: "Chart" => "Progressions..."
Slightly changed chraphics charts' infoborder and text charts' headers
- secondary progressed charts are still named as "progressed", Solar Arc
and "Degree per Year/Mont" are marked as "directed" with name of direction.
Graphics chart's infoborder has additional information: Obliquity of
ecliptic, Sidereal time, Delta T (in seconds) and in case of sidereal chart
Ayanamsha (sidereal offest).
Note, that Ayanamsha has negative value and dafaults to Fagan Bradley.
Ayanamsha control in "Calculation Settings" has a dropdown to allow quick
selection of some common systems of sidereal astrology. The values are
additions to default value and they are 0.0 for Fagan Bradley, 0.883333
(or 0 degrees 53') for N.C. Lahiri, 0.983333 (or 0 degrees 59') for
Krishnamurti, and 2.333333 (or 2 degrees 20') for B.V. Raman. On the screen
has shown resulting value.
Date/time and Julian Day in the graphics charts' infoboredr has been colored:
1. First (or single) data/time is always bright white.
2. Second date/time is always yellow.
3. JD (which is actually also time/date) has color of corresponding
date/time above (as yellow in case of transit comparison or direction
charts). If JD doesn't correspond to neither date/time above (as in case
of progressions where JD corresponds to date/time of planets' positions on
the screen), color is green. Note, that in case of Synastry and Comparison
charts JD will be yellow, becsuse it corresponds to second date/time above
(data of second chart).
Windows version controls of progressed charts have been polished. They looks
more clear now. As default 365.2422 (tropical) year has used.
In "Degree per Days" dropdown are also available:
365.25636 (sidereal year)
27.321582 (tropical month)
27.321661 (sidereal month)
29.530588 (synodic month)
Other more exotic (like Draconic) years/months aren't included.
Astrolog computes position of Lilith (Dark Moon) using external
ephemeris. When ephemeris are set off, Astrolog will display the position
of the South Node instead (see helpfile.540, description of -HO
switch). For users, who wants to use South Node always, there has been
added new switch =YN which forces Astrolog to do it. This switch can be
entered through "Edit" => "Enter Command Line" (Windows version) or
simply added to astrolog.dat file to make this behaviour default.
By default Astrolog calculates mean Lilith. For users who wants to use
osculting position of Lilith, new switch -YL has been added. As above,
this switch can be added to astrolog.dat file, which makes such behaviour
Dispositors' glyphs on the graphics wheels can be switched off using switch
-YD (default on). To choose appropriate default behaviour of the
program, this switch can be added to astrolog.dat file.
Astrolog 5.41F
Fixed original astrolog bug. POF (in main objects) was wrong in case of
equatorial coordinates (but in arabic parts list it was correct).
Colors of all main objects can be changed from default. New switch
-Yq <object> <color>
Just by standard Astrolog rules there are object and color numbers or names
(see helpfile.540), so all examples below will give you blue Mars :)
-Yq 5 12
-Yq 5 blue
-Yq mars 12
-Yq mars blue
Alternative stars restriction works now also with parallels. So if (with
active "alternative restriction") you switch to parallels (View => Parallel
Aspects), unrestricted will be stars which parallels some object (if you
increase apect numbers for alternative restriction, there will be unrestricted
stars with contraparallels too).
To switch to parallels in command line (DOS or Unix)
version (in Win version it's simple), there is new switch -YSP.
It's useful also in some other cases (like in combination with -d
switch to see parallel-contraparallel events during day/month etc).
Added automagic restriction of stars also by prime vertical.
There are new switches:
-YUP <value>
where value:
0 - switch this off
1 - unrestricted are stars, which conjuncts some object (except cusps, POF etc).
2 - unrestricted are stars with PV = 0, 45, 90, etc degrees
3 - unrestricted are both above
-YUO1 <orb1>
-YUO2 <orb2>
These switches are obvious, they sets orbs for automagic restrictions above
(for YUP 1 and YUP 2 respectively), default orbs are 1.166666667
deg (1deg10').
When you use -YUP <value>, don't worry about switching on/off
"alternative stars restriction", it will be automatically back to previous
value when you get -YUP 0.
I dindn't add anyhing to Windows version menus, all can be comfortably done by
macros like
{M0 1 "_v -Z0 -U -Up -YUP 1"}
DOS version supports all new switches above.
Added alternative date format for some outputs (like events search
with -d switch), where abbreviature of month is printed instead
of number of month (i.e. "12 Jan 2000" instead of original "12- 1-2000"). That
can be switched by new switch -Yn. Default setting is Astrolog's
original one (numeric month), =Yn switches to abbreviatures.
Names and abbreviatures of aspects can be
customized. New switches:
-An <n> <name>
-AA <n> <abbreviature>
There n is number of aspect, name and abbreviature are new
name and abbreviature for this aspect. Best way to use is put them to
astrolog.dat file.
NB! <abbreviature> MUST be three characters. Astrolog
doesn't check lenght of new abbreviature, and in other case most outputs
where aspect abbreviatures are used, will be distorted.
Astrolog computes position of Lilith (Dark Moon) using
external ephemeris. When -b setting is off, Astrolog will display
the position of the South Node instead (see helpfile.540,
description of -HO switch). Position of Lilith is calculated
by Swiss Ephemeris only if central planet is Earth, and in version 5.41F
if central planet isn't Earth, Lilit is analogiously replaced by South Node
even if -b switch is on.
Original Astrolog doesn't replace central object in comparison
grid charts. In version 5.41F changes of central planet are reflected
also there.
Astrolog 5.41E
Added restriction set for progressed charts (for natal-progressed
comparison charts only!). To set restrictions for progressed charts a new switch
-YRP is used in the same way as restrictions and transit restricitons are
set by -YR and -YRT switches (see helpfile and astrolog.dat).
Modified power calculations. There are significant changes:
1) Positional power calculations revised and cleaned. This caused changes in
some settings in the astrolog.dat file (see
Initial powers are revised. Of course, one can play with these
values to find his own preferred power levels.
2) User can set powers of parallels relative to conjunctions (new
switch -YOP <value>, default 0.25). In earlier versions this default
value was fixed.
3) In all planet power calculations only unrestricted aspects are used (earlier
versions used in some outputs just the 5 main aspects).
Small changes in headers for comparison text charts - for synastry
and dual charts the name from the second chart is added.
All older versions of Astrolog showed parallel/contraparallel aspects
as separating. To find out whether a parallel/contraparallel is applying, it's
necessary to know speeds in latitude but Astrolog did not use them, and
could not calculate these aspects at all.
Fortunately the Swiss Ephemeris calculates speeds in latitude, so in version 5.41E
real appplying/separating parallel/contraparallel aspects are calculated.
Note that it's necessary to use the Swiss Ephemeris to calculate them.
With _b switch (don't use ephemeris files) Matrix routines are used and
speeds in latitude aren't calculated, and these aspects won't be calculated in
that case - as in original version, aspects are then always shown as separating.
Fixed a bug in the Windows version, where restrictions of Alnilam and Elnath were garbled.
Restriction of Alnilam caused the restriction of Elnath and vice-versa.
Fixed a bug in the Windows version, where it wasn't possible to use the "Null" house system.
Aspects between fixed stars are removed from all outputs.
Astrolog 5.41D
Fixed bug in Windows and Unix/Linux versions 5.41C, where use of
alternative interpretation files causes crach of program.
Calculations of Uranianas are also moved from Matrix routines
to Swiss Ephemeris. No need in additional ephemeris files, these
ephemeris are in standard SWEPH package. Note, that Proserpina was
added earlyer by myself and is calculated as previously by Matrix
routines. So Proserpina is moved to last place and is now Uranian #9
(not #8 as earlyer).
Improved fixed stars ephemeris file fixstars.ast:
In previous file all omegas and omicrons had same canonical
name - om. Now all omegas are clearly ome,
all omicrons omi.
That caused small changes in printout formats where canonical
names of fixed stars are used.
Stars are reordered by constellations, which helps seek of
necessary stars.
Added names to lot of stars.
Added some stars, used in astrology, but not listed earlyer.
Now file contains data of over 1000 fixed stars.
Added stars ordering by Prime Vertical. In Windows version
it can be choosen in Chart settings, in command line versions
is added new switch -Up.
Added new graphics output - local horizon chart in Prime Vertical
coordinates. In original Astrolog -Z0 switch has different meanings in
text and graphics modes. In text mode it gets output with prime
vertical coordinates, in graphics mode it's local horizon output
(same with -Z), but with other point of view, named in Windows version
"Horizon Chart Displays With Polar Center" (choose it in "Chart" =>
"Chart Settings", then "Local Horizon" chart and then Graphics).
Original Astrolog output. You lie faced to zehith, head to Nord.
Zenith is just in centre of screen, upper half is nordic hemisphere,
internal circle represents local horizon, external dashed circle
represents "stretched" opposite point Nadir. Planets, which are
under horizon, are outside internal circle. Original Astrolog
covered sky up to -90 deg in corners of picture and up tp -37 deg
latitude in N, E, S and W directions (so area inside 53 deg to
nadir in these directions is invisible). I rescaled picture, so
now in these directions is invisible only area inside 9 degree
from Nadir (visible is part between +90 and -81 degree latitude),
and in corners is visible "stretched" Nadir.
To switch to added Prime Vertical mode, hit i (bonus mode).
This system is exactly perpendicular to previous. You are faced
to South - horizontal line in centre of screen is local horizon,
just in centre of screen is southern point of horizon. Part inside
of internal cicrcle is just in front of you, outside of cicrcle
behind you. So Zenith is just upper crossing point of vertical
line and circle, nadir lower one. This picture is scaled just as
previous one, dached outern circle is "stretched" northen point
on local horizon.
Astrolog 5.41C
All changes in last version are connected with fixed stars. Main change
- also fixed stars are now calculated by Swiss Ephemeris
Astrolog 5.41B
Added alternative interpretation of TRANSIT-NATAL comparison
charts, analogious to earlyer alternative interpretation of natal charts.
For details see file interalt.txt. Sample
interpretation files with descriptions are in file interalt.zip.
Added three new switches (YSa, YSj, YSs) for use in
astrolog.dat file, which allows to change some default settings:
=YSa - sets aspects in listings by default as applying-separating.
=YSj - influence text chart shows by default also house's influence.
=YSs - aspect listing shows by default also aspect summary.
To most text outputs added headers, where are described type of chart,
in case of comparison charts also data of both charts. In case of multiply
charts header is printed only once.
To Aspects Configurations list added also "Kite" (described
for example in lesson about aspects
by L. M. C. McPherson.
Fixed original Astrolog bug, appeared between
versions 5.30 and 5.40 - positions of planets and Houses in Gauquelin graphics
chart infoborder was wrong.
To Windows version "Help" menu added new item - Open World Atlas,
which opens WEB browser and connects to infoserver
(I use it often to find coordinates and timezones of different towns).
URL is placed into file watlas.url, added to package.
Fixed original Astrolog omission - Windows version "Help" menu looks for
necessary files only in local directory. Now these files are searched through
all directories, connected with astrolog (see helpfile for details of setting
of environment variables) with searching order:
- 1) Local directory
- 2) Environment directories, set in autoexec.bat, one of them version
specific (names of directories as examples, names of environment
variables must be strict and in upper-case:
- a) set ASTR5.41B=C:\aaaaa\541
- b) set ASTROLOG=d:\abbbb
- c) set ASTR=H:\miscfile
3) Default directory, compiled in: C:\ASTROLOG
If Astrolog doesn't find file, it doesn't attempt to start wordpad or
WEB browser but prints only warning, that it can't find file.
Improved configuration file astrolog.dat, saved by Windows version - all
switches of changed versions are in separate section:
That simplifies use of the same astrolog.dat file for both changed and original
versions - for original version simply comment out all switches, described
in this section.
Fixed bug in stars restriction window, appeared in 5.41a (star
Sheat was always shown as unrestricted).
Astrolog 5.41a
Astrolog 5.40 and then 5.41 with Swiss Ephemeris was released.
Here I moved all my previous changes from Astrolog 5.31g to new original
version 5.41. Because Swiss Ephemeris are more precise and quick than older
Placalc ephemeris, I moved to 5.41 and don't will change versions with
Placalc anymore. So Astrolog 5.40a doesn't exist.
Astrolog 5.31g
Alois Treindl modified Astrolog 5.30 and named new version
5.31. It contains the new
Swiss Ephemeris, more precise and quick than older Placalc ephemeris.
The responsibility for this modification is with Alois Treindl. Look
above for details.
The use of that source code is subject to the Swiss Ephemeris Public License,
available at
Just same modification is made with Astrolog 5.30g1, new version name is 5.31g.
This version hasn't any additional modifications from my side, so 5.30g1 and
5.31g are functionally same, differnce is in ephemeris files. As with
original 5.31, Windows version has planetary ephemeris built into code.
Note, that this version of Astrolog is not developed anymore.
If you have questions about Astrolog, ask in Yahoo group
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