ALTERNATIVE INTERPRETATION. --------------------------- Alternative interpretation is based on additional text files, where are text records, filled by user in any language he use. That's main reason, why I added support of 8-bit characters in Astrolog text mode. NOTE, that all files must be filled by user himself, I don't give any ready-to-use interpretations. That is big work. I'm used this interpretation over two years, and I must say, that my database isn't filled yet :) That's reason, why I don't belive, that this interpretation way will found lot of users, but it can be interestig anyway. Also without any interpretation database file this interpretation part gives info about chart in other form than standard astrolog outputs and can be useful. Interpretation of NATAL charts. ------------------------------- Interpretation has three parts: planets, houses and stars (if unrestricted). Here "planets" means all Astrolog object like main planets, cusps, asteroids, uranians. Stars are in separate part. Interpretation of Arabian Parts isn't supported. Planets. -------- * First goes general info about planet - position (sign and house) and powers (position and total). Then general info about planet from file (look below). * Info about aspects with other planets (orb, power), then interpretation from file (if exists). * Interpretation of planet in sign (from file, if exists). * interpretation of planet in house (from file, if exists). Houses. -------- * First goes general meaning of house (read from file, if exists). * Position of house cusp and also position of situative dispositor with his total power. * Interpretation of house cusp position (read from file, if exists). * Interpretations of position of situative dispositor in sign and house (read from file, if exists). * Position of natural dispositor with his total power. * Interpretations of position of natural dispositor in sign and house (read from file, if exists). * Planets in house with his total powers. * Interpretation of planet in house (read from file, if exists). Stars. ------ * Position of star and star's data. * Aspects of the star with other objects (with orbs). * Interpretation of star (read from file, if exists). This interpretation is undependent of chart and is connected only with star. Interpretation of NATAL-TRANSIT comparison charts. -------------------------------------------------- Interpretation is very similar to above, but simpler, has only one part: transiting planets and his aspects to natal. As above, here "planets" means all Astrolog objects like main planets, cusps, asteroids, uranians. * First goes general info about transiting planet - position in natal house. * General description of planet's transits (from file, if exists). * Interpretation of transiting planet in natal house (from file, if exists). * Info about aspects with natal planets (orb, power), then interpretation from file (if exists). Controls. ---------- Here are six new switches: -Ia - Print out all info, described above, without interpretation part. That is actually way to regroup chart info by planets and houses. Included are also positions of house dispositors (same in both cases natal and transit-natal). All switches below has just same meaning in case of transit-natal comparison charts - additionally is printed interpretation info from files. In case of natal interpretation, switches has different effect, because there are much more interpretation data and these switches allows to choose, which part to print out. -Ib - Interpretation. Print out all, described above, excluded dispositor info (if exist files and records, look below). This switch is same, like in versions 5.30c. -Ip - Like -Ib, but covers only planets part. -Ih - Like -Ib, but covers only house part. -Id - Like -Ih, but included info of dispositors. -Io - Included all possible interpretation info. Stars are included to intepretation automatically, if they are unrestricted. In case -Ia interpretation part isn't printed out. In Windows version all control is under "Setting" -> "Obscure Settings" menu. Note, that to use alternative interpretation, in menu "View" must be set "Show Interpretations". Description of data files for alternative interpretation. _________________________________________________________ For alternative interpretation are used four types of files: planets, aspects of planets, houses and stars. All these files have similar structure. Files begins with @0900, which marks "interpretation file". All records in files are marked by &xx xx, where xx xx are numbers of record (for example &03 12 , &11 01). In different files these numbers have different meanings. Interpretation text begins on next line. If respective text part is missed, Astrolog don't print any error message, simply this interpretation part isn't printed. Also can be missed any (or all) file with same result. Note, that in this text planet means actually any object of Astrolog (excluded stars and Arabic Parts, stars have his own interpretation file). That means here all asteroids, house cusps, uranians are "planets" and those can have his own interpretation files. Records in files can be in any order, but I suggest to use "normal" order with increasing numbers. It hepls to add new records. Changed Astrolog looks for record decriptors (&xx yy) and prints out interpretation, follows to fist descriptor he find. Planet files. ------------- All planet files have name plxx.dat, where xx is number of planet. For example, pl01.dat is file with Sun interpretation data, pl16.dat is file for North Node. Records in these files: &00 00 Here is description of planet - his general meaning etc. &xx yy where xx = 01 or xx = 02 There are descibed meaning of planet in sign (xx = 1 , yy = number of sign, Aries = 1) or in house (xx = 2 , yy = number of house) For example: &01 05 Interpretation of planet in Leo. &02 06 Interpretation of planet in 6th house. Aspect files. ------------- Aspect files have name plxxa.dat, where xx is number of planet. For example, pl16a.dat is file with interpretation of aspects of North Node. Records: &yy zz yy is number of another planet in aspect. To decrease database, yy is greater, than number xx of first planet in plxxa.dat. In othes words, aspects between Sun and Saturn are described only in Sun file pl01a.dat. In Saturn aspects file pl07a.dat are described only aspects between Sturn and planets with higher number than 7. zz is number of aspect as used in Astrolog: (look helpfile of Astrolog) 1 - conjunction 2 - opposition 3 - square 4 - trine 5 - sextile etc. If you want, you can decribe here all 18 aspects, supported by Astrolog :) House files. ------------ House files have names from house1.dat to house12.dat. Here are four types of records: &00 00 Like in planet files, here is general meaning of house. &01 xx where xx is number of sign. Here is meanig of house cusp in sign xx. For example: file house5.dat, record &01 03 Here is interpretation of 5th house cusp in Geminy. &02 xx where xx is number of sign. Here is meaning of position of dispositor of current house in sign xx. &03 xx where xx is number of house. Here is meaning of position of dispositor of current house in house xx. Cpecial record: &00 01 used in case, if situative and natural dispositors are in same sign or house. Then instead of second printout of same interpretation this record is used. In my own files this record looks like: &00 01 Look above. Stars file. ---------- All stars are described in one file named stars.dat. Interpretation is undependent of position of star in house. Here is only one type of records: &00 xx where xx is number of star in NORMAL ORDER. I repeat, any of records or files can be missed without any error message. In this case is printed only additional info without interpretation. Sample files have only markers of records. In some files (house1.dat, pl01.dat, pl01a.dat) are some text parts. Added are also three my own files (renamed as *.ddd). These files are in estionian, but you can see here structure of real files. Records can be in any order. Data files for alternative interpretation of transits. ------------------------------------------------------ Data files for interpretation of transits are analogious to natal interpretation files. There are two type of files: planets and aspects. Planet files. ------------- All planet files have name plxxt.dat, where xx is number of planet. For example, pl01t.dat is file with transiting Sun interpretation data, pl16t.dat is file for transiting North Node. Records in these files: &00 00 Here is general description of transits of planet. &01 yy There are descibed meaning of transiting planet in planet in natal house, where yy is number of house. For example: &01 05 Interpretation of transiting planet planet in 5th House. Aspect files. ------------- Aspect files have names plxxat.dat, where xx is number of planet and are analogious to natal aspect files. For example, pl16a.dat is file with interpretation of aspects of transiting North Node. Records: &yy zz yy is number of natal planet in aspect. In difference with Natal aspect files, they can have records with all possible yy zz combinations, because say trine between transiting Sun and Natal Saturn has another meaning than trinw between transiting Saturn and natal Sun, also any planet can have some transiting aspect with his natal position. Valentin Abramov 05. Feb. 1999.