Season 1993

This page is opened on Apr 12th 1997.

Season 1993 was first racing season for Mart. Here are analyzed only results in class Cadet-Junior. Results was unbelivable:
5th place on total rank on season between 50 opponenets, where most of them had 2 or more years experience in karting racing.
3th place (bronze) on Estonian Championship - most important kompetition of season.

Chortly about races. In year 1993 all races consists three starts, taked into account was two best from them. In case of same result, beteer was driver, who had better result in last start.
Estonian Cnampionship consists (in this class) two race with similar system, but summary of championship was calculated from four best starts from six in two etape.

Here are listed 1993 races with results (EC means Estonian Championship):

1993 season, class Cadet-Junior, 50 drivers.

Date Race Place Racers Points

02.05. Juku I 25. 33 25 15.05. EC I 5. 30 86 19.06. Jaanikart 8. 26 72 26.06 Ranna 8. 17 56 27.06. Juku II 10. 25 63 04.07. Aravete Cup 18. 33 47 24.07. Hiiumaa 10. 19 50 01.08. Juku III 14. 24 43 14.08. EC II 3. 28 92 14.08. EC total 3. 30 93 22.08. Tapa Cup 4. 28 89 29.08. Pedja 6. 21 75 12.09. Estonian Cup 4. 19 83

Now I try to comment all races of this season:

May.02th. First race at all. By points mark = 2, but it is FIRST race, and Mart was better than 7 other opponents, so mark = 3.
Transit chart consists nothing interesting. Mark = 3.

May.15th. Second race at all, and it is Estonian Championship(!) By points mark = 5, but really 5++.
Transit chart shows excellent "kite", where output is on Pluto in 5th house (!). Mark = 5.

Jun.19th. By points mark = 4.
Transit chart shows cradle, weak T-square, but also transiting Mars conjuncts natal Mars, also transiting Jupiter enters 5th house. Mark = 4.

Jun.26th. By points mark = 3.
In transit chart transiting Mars, conjuncts natal IC. Mark = 4.

Jun.27th. By points mark = 4.
In transit chart transiting Mars, conjuncts natal IC. Nearly same, than previous, but a bet weaker. Mark = 3.

Jul.04th. By points mark = 3.
In transit chart nothing exciting, only tr. Venus squared N.Node. Mark = 2.

Jul.24th. By points mark = 3.
I im in trouble with transit chart but I don't see something very great, so mark = 3.

Aug.01th. By points mark = 3.
Another difficult (for me) transit chart but it seems to be nearly in balance at all, so mark = 3.

Aug.14th. By points mark = 5++. Here are actually "marks" of two competitions - II etape of Estonian Championship and Championship at all. In both cases 3rd place. Excellent for beginner (I think).
Transit chart shows conjunction of transiting Venus with Asc (activated natal Grand Trine), also Venus is dispositor of 5th house (!), so mark = 5.

Aug.22th. By points mark = 5. Here Mart's low experience was fatal. He made "fals-start", which means here 10 additional seconds (not 10 second pit-stop like earlyer), but Mart, leaded race after 3 lap by 8 (!) second, goed to pit AT ALL :( Only good results in fist two starts gived finally 4th place.
Transit chart shows lot of trines and sextiles, maybe significant is conjunction of transit Sun with natal Mars. Mark = 4.

Aug.29th. By points mark = 4. Reined, also that was first race into town, but result was good.
Transit chart don't shows something special. Mark = 3.

Sep.12th. By points mark = 5. Last race in season.
Another difficult transit chart, I can't rank it more than Mark = 3.

Now final table in other form:

Date    Race            Place   Racers  Points	R.mark	C.mark	Difference

02.05. Juku I 25. 33 25 3 3 0 15.05. EC I 5. 30 86 5++ 5 0 19.06. Jaanikart 8. 26 72 4 4 0 26.06 Ranna 8. 17 56 3 4 -1 27.06. Juku II 10. 25 63 4 3 +1 04.07. Aravete Cup 18. 33 47 3 2 +1 24.07. Hiiumaa 10. 19 50 3 3 0 01.08. Juku III 14. 24 43 3 3 0 14.08. EC II 3. 28 92 5++ 5 0 14.08. EC total 3. 30 93 5++ 4 +1 22.08. Tapa Cup 4. 28 89 5 4 +1 29.08. Pedja 6. 21 75 4 3 +1 12.09. Estonian Cup 4. 19 83 5 3 +2

I hope, this table shows correlation between results and transitiong situation. Difference between marks of results and transiting charts was 0 or 1 (only last race have diffference 2). I must say, that in later years situation is more complicated.

Mean difference      d1 = +6 / 13 = + 0.46
Absolute difference  d2 =  8 / 13 =   0.61
Most differences are at end of season and have positive sign (results was better than "transiting situation"). I think, that is caused by fact, that Mart was then more experienced driver than in first races.

Real results was better, than we waited. Mart was only, who finished ALL races, more, excluded his first start, Mart was always in upper half or at least near upper half of rascers. Most sensitive point, and in positive side, seems to be Asc ( that will find support also in later years).

Total conclusion over all years will be made separately. Any comments are welcome.