00_MACROS.TXT List of macros zip archives and Index of files in archive Allfiles.zip Allfiles.zip All files in one zip archive, as of Dec. 06, 95. Chaogifs.zip Just the ChaOs and Prophet gifs zip archive. Macs_all.zip Just the the Macros in a zip file. 0-Buddha.cht Budda Chart load file and data. 0-Christ.cht Jesus Christs' Chart load file and data. 0-Disoul.cht Descent Inf. Soul about 30 days before cross. 0-Esther.cht Esther Jewish Queen load file and data. 0-Jeremi.cht Prophet Jeremiah's Chart load file and data. 0-LaoTzu.cht Lao Tzu's Chart load file and data. 0-VrMary.cht Virgin Mary's Chart file, exact aspect 00:00:00" 00-File_.lst List of files in the Allfiles.zip archive. 01-Budda.gif Ten harmonic of Budda Cht, strong Asc. complex. 01-Esthe.gif Star Figure in Biblical Esther Jewish Queen cht. 01-Jerem.gif Sep's, Chaos aspects in Prophet Jeremiah's chart. 01-Jesus.gif Apex Nep., (Tri)Septile Yod in Jesus helio chart. 01-VMary.gif Sco., Stellium (6) across the MC in Mary's chart. 02-CMay8.gif Serendipitous May 8,95 view of full Chaos figure. 02-CNv23.gif Chaos config. w Sat,Nep,Plu,Moon,Desc, Nov 23,97. 02-F1016.gif Chaos Config. USAIR Flight-1016 Visual Clearance. 03-Chs14.gif 3C 128.7 deg Chaos Aspect highlighted in gif drw. 03-Chs15.gif Cardinal to ChaOs aspect points in gif drawing. 03-Chs24.gif MC and IC ChaOs points shown in gif drawing. 03-Chs_5.gif 800x600 drawing showing some Cardinal relations. Amac.TPL A macro template, 48 slots to load other files. C-HClint.cht An example Astro load file, Hillary Clinton cht. E-ChMay8.cht First view of Chaos figure and I Ching opinion. E-F1016x.cht Full Chaos config. and sep's, ATC gave visual cl E-F1016z.cht Load chart for exact time of impact with earth. Macs_dos.zip Dos batch file menu for Astrolog by Dave Harvey. Orbs_.007 Harmonic/Filter for Seven and Astrolog. Orbs_.008 Harmonic/Filter for Eight and Astrolog. Orbs_.009 Harmonic/Filter for Nine and Astrolog. Orbs_.010 Harmonic/Filter for Ten and Astrolog. Orbs_.011 Harmonic/Filter for Eleven and Astrolog. Orbs_.012 Harmonic/Filter for Twelve and Astrolog. Orbs_Ch.Crd ChaOs Orb file for 4.66920... series. Orbs_Ch.Fix ChaOs Orb file, shows aspects to fixed houses. Orbs_Ch.Mut ChaOs Orb file, shows aspects to mutable houses. Orbs_Low.mix Low Series Filter for exact aspects. Orbs_Mid.mix Middle Series Filter for exact aspects. Orbs__Hi.mix High Series Filter for exact aspects. PATTERN.mac Showing a pattern, (T)Sep Yod, Apex Nep, JC cht. README.1ST Information on file Macs_dos.zip README.DOS Astrolog batch file menu system in Macs_dos.zip SEARCH_a.mac Asteriod Search for specific aspects over time. SEARCH_p.mac Planet Search for specific aspects over time. SEARCH_u.mac Uranian objects search for aspects over time. TEMPLATE.cht Example of a natal chart loadfile for Astrolog. T_allout.mac Show transits Sun-Plu to Natal Jup thru Pluto. T_astout.mac Show transits of CPJV Asteriods to Jup thru Plu. T_in_in.mac Show transits of Sun-Mars to natal Sun thru Mars. T_inout.mac Show transits of Sun-Mars to natal Jup thru Plu. T_outout.mac Show transits of Jup-Plu to natal Jup thru Pluto. T_uraout.mac Show transits of Trans-Nep-Uranian to Jup--Pluto.